Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 gave a lot of good insight into what to expect as a teacher and how to be an effective teacher. When I went through Bradley, I had my heart set on elementary school teaching because I had spent most of my volunteer time and schooling in elementary schools. However, when its 100 degrees in July during summer school and a principal makes a special trip to interview you for a full time position anywhere you end up taking it. Needless to say I found myself in a classroom teaching 4 different subjects and 4 different grade levels. I soon wished I had done my middle school endorsement before I took the job. I learned a lot that first year and everyday since. I know it is sometimes tedious to read all of the assignments we are given but this book is informative and easy to read. It was a good reminder for me to read the 22 different aspects of being a world class teacher. This chapter also reminded me of how quickly we adjust to a new environment because so many of these things are now second nature to me. I think that the book raised a good point about technology in the classroom. I think its important to use what you have and seek out what you don't. I also think it is important to mix it up. Students and teacher alike get bored if you always use the same equipment and style for teaching.


  1. Rena, I really appreciate your perspective as a seasoned educator. Similar to your experience, I will be entering the workforce with mainly elementary school experience behind me. It has been many, many years since I was of middle school and, having never experienced the middle school model first hand, I know I will have to consciously teach in a manner contrary to the way I was taught. I'm glad to hear that, with time, these behaviors have become second nature to you. I expect developing 'with-it-ness' and the other aspects of classroom management will be my biggest challenges.

  2. First off, how did you get a job!?! ;) But seriously, I liked the challenge that our book brought up about the aspects of a wonderful teacher! I want to hang this up on my wall or something to one day embody all of these. Have you used SMART/Promethean boards in your classroom? I will be in my student teaching experience this semester. I think that it can be over-used, and sometimes I would rather do building projects and team projects than doing some online search. Teachers can just leave students off on their own to "research" but we don't even give them guidelines to research. In all places, Middle School is where these guidelines must be taught.

  3. Kristen,

    I do use Smart board in my classroom, however, I think it is important to differentiate the technology used to keep the students keyed in to the lesson.

  4. Kristen,

    Let's just say that they were a little desparate for a Spanish teacher and I took the job with the promise of getting my endorsement. Oops, took me longer than was expected. : )
